Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hello Twin Cities!

We like to watch the New Yorkers and see if they make it, a colleague said to me when we met in person for the first time.

I used to believe in the theory that having lived in New York I could "make it" anywhere, but as I started to visit other places and friends from other places visited me, I realized I was actually pretty spoiled. I could get whatever kind of food I wanted, when and how I wanted it, and most likely have it delivered to me. I could see whatever movie, play, art exhibit, concert, sporting, or literary event I wanted (as long as I could afford it, get the tickets, and could get out of work in time). I could borrow my parents' car and drive to the beach, the mountains, or Montreal, and did all of that at one point - and better yet, could have taken public transportation to all of those places, or to anything I decided to do in any of the boroughs at any time of day or night. And now I've come to expect it.

So now the boyfriend and I are in Minneapolis, exploring the Twin Cities for three years. We'll live how normal people live, come to expect what normal people expect. We'll see if we can really make it anywhere.

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