Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Guns, guns everywhere!

I've been seeing these signs around, and frankly, they're pretty alarming. My first thought was, People need to be reminded not to bring their guns to the pharmacy/coffee shop/pizza place? Then I thought, oh my god, there are people here who think they need their guns with them all the time!

And then another New York transplant told me that Minnesota has a concealed weapons law bascially allowing any adult over the age of 21 to bring his or her gun wherever he or she goes, and so businesses have to put up these signs to officially prohibit people from bringing guns into their stores.

Okay, like most New Yorkers, I tend to think guns are unequovically bad, and the less of them there are on the street, the less people get shot, legally or no. So I'm not a big fan of this "I need a gun for my personal protection" argument, because a gun on the scene only guarantees that it can be used. Anyway, I tend to think that people who believe the opposite are, well, crazy, and by extension, more volatile and likely to make rash decisions when they feel threatened.

And I threaten people all the time, especially when I'm on my bike and they try to hit me with their cars. When drivers run stop signs or forget to signal and check their mirros before making a right turn into me, then I am sure as hell going to say something, and it's going to be loud and likely full of curse words. Because dammit, if you're going to ignore traffic rules, at least look at where the hell you're going.

So my question now is: not only do I have to worry about stupid drivers who can't follow traffic rules, do I also have to worry about them shooting me because I told them off? Do I have to stop telling people off? Because I don't think I have it in me to sit tight on my bike after I've swerved out of the way of a jackass who can't signal or at least look first before making a turn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. It's a great govern irresponsability to allow that such a law like keeps vigorating. It's obvious that in normal confit situations, if one of the intervinients is armed the probability of getting too exited and shoot someone incresases exponencially. And for the ones who insist on the contrary try watch Crash; that movie shows well the danger of apparently normal citizens carrying guns "just in case". Instead of guns why not peeper spray or something like that? In my country, Portugal, you would need a licence to carry either, and for the guns also a course. The allowence of guns here is much more controlled, you can't simply buy one whenever you feel or want. Thank god!